Jennifer in Africa

22 March 2006


Hi all,
I'm home! I got home without too much problem last Friday afternoon. I've been adjusting to the time change, culture change, and just relaxing with Brad, which is why I'm slow in updating the blog. I hope you all had a great winter, be sure to check back here in June when I return to Tanzania (dates to be determined). - Jennifer :)

15 March 2006


Hello all
This will be my last update until I get back to the States. I spent the weekend in Serengeti. As you can see I saw many lions, four cheetah (yea!!!), and many other animals. On the way to Sasakwa (a hotel outside of the park) we almost ran over what was likely a mamba that reared up to about our eye level in the car as it twisted backwards to get out of our way. The Serengeti was more beautiful this time then my previous two visits, totally awe inspiring mostly just because it was so green (thanks to the rains that have come).

To get home hitch hiked a ride with a Safari driver, who ended up knowing Allen (my host father). Although I got to the airport (where you can catch rides easily) at 10 am, and although we left the airport at noon, I did not leave Serengeti until 4:30 pm. We had to wait for the guys at his camp to take down and load everything into the lori (sort of like a semi truck). The workers had been working in Serengeti for 3 months strait, without a break so who was I to complain about waiting for half a day. It made for a long day, but I did get home for free.

These last days have been/will be busy busy busy and emotional. I am very excited to be returning home, but will miss the family tremendously. They have been so nice and wonderful, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay them.

Serengeti pics

Serengeti Pictures

07 March 2006

Left Hand Side

After WWI Tanzania (or then Tanganyika) became a British colony. They therefore drive on the left hand side of the road with the steering wheels on the right side of the car. The roads here are almost all full of bumps, potholes and in places are just the width of your car. I have been nervous thinking about driving when I return this summer. Yesterday however, despite the technical illegality of me driving here, I had no other choice then to battle the busy, aggressive, horn honking streets of Arusha. Luckily I had an automatic car so I didn’t have to worry about shifting with my left hand and I was following someone so I could just follow them when they turned to make sure I turned onto the right (or left as it really is) side of the road. I made it home without incident (although I am not good at judging how much room I have on the left side of the car, but only side swiped some plants and not a wall). I drove myself into town this morning to write you all and will be happy to turn over the keys to someone else later this morning. However it was nice for once to be able to just get in a car go where I needed to without relying on someone else, a luxury I have been looking forward to as I get close to returning to the states.

02 March 2006


I think it is now safe for me to say that the rains have finally come, at least here in Arusha. We had a few rains last week that at least kept the dust down, but did little else. Then, for the past three days we have had some heavier, longer rains (it poured for a good hour or two yesterday morning). The rains have not yet reached or been around long enough to fill the reservoir down between Dodoma and Iringa that provides our power. Therefore, we still have no power from about 6am until 8 to 10 pm at night. But at least we have some power and it is definitely nice not to have everything covered in dust every afternoon. Hope everyone is doing well.